Friday, January 16, 2009

Back to the trenches

I haven't written in here in so long... but there is only one person I know who reads this (hello, Sarah).

School started back today, and well, this funny thing happened on the way to the forum... Ha, I couldn't help myself. Class went really well, or, well maybe they just didn't totally bomb, whatever. I hadn't really planned what I was going to say, and I knew I was going to wing it for the most part. Sarah says this is what experienced teachers do. I know I am not experienced, but maybe I am just not a newbie anymore. Hey, that works for me. Sorta...

I feel like all the new is dripping out of teaching and what is left over resembles one of those wine skins that I have never actually seen but works well for this metaphor (simile?). Meh, I got some cool news today, and once it is on paper (and therefore real) I will alert my blog.

Sarah is going to be here tonight. There will be sushi and talk and all will be wonderful. Whatever it is.