Sunday, May 10, 2009


I'm taking a break from the net.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Brace yourself

Had a goofy-good time with my mom last night - I know, shock and awe, right? Hold on to your socks - I had a good time with my mom at a jewelry party she hosted! I will pause while you lift your jaw from the floor...

Ok, so yeah, that actually happened, and rather than analyze it, I am just going to be grateful and reserve this memory for the times when I am contemplating graver matters.

Had to call security on a student yesterday. You know how I am always talking about getting my balls out of my pocket? Well, I so found them yesterday, and I actually think they weren't even in my pocket at all!

Seriously, though, between you and me, I was totally freaked out, and even today, I am still jittery about the whole ordeal. Long and the short, this guy totally went off in front of the class right before the exam was about to begin.

It was intense, and I felt like I had to protect the other students from this guy. I was in the act of doing just that when it occurred to me that I was putting myself in harm's way. After it was over, a few people offered to stay and walk me to my car. Awwww, I heart them.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Giving exams this morning. Let the awesomeness begin.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Friends and enemies. Neither as close as they need to be. Smiling at the mediocre, knowing that isn't me. Not even guilty about the smugness of it all.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Morning after

When people get drunk... maybe that's all I have to say. I just end up taking care of those who probably should just lay off from time to time, you know?

Marriage is for suckers. Maybe not all marriages, maybe not all suckers, but yeah, I think so.

Hangovers are not experiences to be shared.