Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Slow going

I am on my way to class and just wanted to say... Whew what a week!

I have gotten in 2 traffic tie ups on days when I left especially early so I could get some extra AM work done pre-class.

The pic above is what I got to look at for an hour and 15 mins over the course of 8 miles.

Today's traffic jam was because a gas tanker blew up. They actually shut down 240. It was intense. Of course I needed to use the bathroom... Haha, oh well. Got to school on time and dry!

Btw. Yes, that is a "W the president" sticker on the guy's helmet.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Something good this way comes

I made homemade chicken pot pie instead of working on my syllabus. That is just how dedicated to procrastination I am.

School starts this week, and I feel pretty good about what I have planned for the first day. Ask me about the semester, and I will have to respond with a blank and slightly apologetic stare.

Friends are good, kid is good(ish), work (will be) is good, and so is everything else. Reading books, watching shows, living outside the bubble for a change. Looking for a Memphis crib and a school for Nathan occupies the not-busy-writing-a-syllabus time.

Somedays I still feel like whistling past the cemetery in order to ward off the evil that I just know is lurking around every corner. The paranoia is not where it was, and that is the best of all the good that has come my way lately.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Weather report/Time table

Without a suggestion or a warning my life has gotten a little full of new gadgets. I feel like I was pretty comfy somewhere in 1997 and suddenly I have been morphed into this land of 2010. Actually this an overly dramatic way of announcing the arrival of my new phone and my new lap top. Stop rolling your eyes. On some level the afore mentioned time travel is actually kind of true.

All of this has been said just so you know that my updates may be a little more regular, the pics may be of a slightly better quality, and the content may become slightly diminished as well. I will do my best to keep that last one to a minimum.

The other thing I keep thinking is just how freaking grown up I feel and how less and less cool that is. Transition is the name of the game, and change is the fuel to this fire. The coming semester is like the SBT version 2.0 that I have been longing to deliver. This week will see me working on a syllabus in a way that I haven't ever done before. Nathan also starts phase one of his orthodonture which is very intense.

Those winds of change are kicking up a storm, but I do feel like I am in a good place to weather it this go around.