Tuesday, April 22, 2014

In a minute there is time

A week from tomorrow is the last day of classes. Exams start a week from Friday. Is that right? That doesn't seem right...

The good news is that I am not behind. I am actually pretty caught up, and this gives me great joy. I have a small and doable stack of papers that I need to grade by Monday. I actually think I can sit down and get them all done in one felt swoop. That's the thing about April. Momentum is established!

The weekend was good. We went to see a comic on Saturday night, and it was nice to sit in a room full of strangers and laugh. Laughing is good. Always? Yes, probably.

Easter came and went with barely a flicker on my radar. I went to the grocery store on Sunday and really liked seeing the little kids in their Easter outfits. It was fun to tell them that I liked their clothes. I hope I wasn't creepy.

Is that all??

I really feel like I am leaving something out...

I guess that's it. I have been working a lot, trying to feel all of my feelings, and just plugging along to the bitter end.

Classes are how they tend to be at this point in the semester. Frustration is building amongst the students. I like to think that it is frustration stemming from their realization that they have waited too late to start trying, but I suspect some of that is directed at me Misdirected, mind you, but that it what it feels like every year.

I am looking forward to the end, and I am looking forward to having a bit of time to not think about the hustle. I am looking forward to starting a days-long project and not a project that can only be completed in the tiny time I have available. You know?

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