Thursday, April 10, 2014

Planting seeds

Today I am sitting on the back porch after doing some housework. Tonight Greg and I are going to Rhodes to hear Judith Butler speak about Zionism. I read her a lot when I was in grad school, so I am looking forward to hearing what she has to say. I am curious about whether any of it will come rushing back to me.

I had a really tough Lit class yesterday, and I have been doing a lot of thinking about how I am going to fix what happened.

I teach three classes, and my third class always goes so badly, and yesterday was pretty awful. The short story is that they don't really have the ability to answer questions literally, and when I told them their answers were wrong, they did not like it.

It would be very easy to say they are not used to being told they are wrong and address that, but that isn't helpful and it really isn't their fault. I need to find the right gear and move forward.

I sort of have an idea, but if I can't do it in one day, then I am not going to do it. Basically, I am going to try to write the paper based on the readings from before the break. They can't use them, and I think they will understand what they need to do if they see it in practice.

Anyway, that's where my thoughts are for now. I hope that next week I can work on it, but for now, I am going to try to come up with a plan that I think will work.

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